Thursday, June 18, 2009

Those Good Ole Possibilities

Yay! Woo-Hoo! Hooray!
I have an interview tomorrow morning! Granted its only for a one to four week gig, but hey money is money kiddos, and I will take any position ( insert obvious exceptions here) that wants to pay me some. I also dropped off my resume at a bank just a few blocks away from my abode that is actually hiring. This would be better because
a) i can ride my bike to and from work
b) it would be full time monday thru friday with alternating saturdays
c) it wouldn't be a temporary gig and
d) it would pay pretty decent and give me more experience in the fancy, albeit boring, world of banking!
It's not a for sure thing, but it's a possibility! And possibilities are a good thing when it comes to employment.
Toby and I are also being considered for a weekend temp position next weekend. He has sent information and paperwork on possibly getting a work study and/or assistanceship through Eastern too. Fingers are crossed.
Today I:
- overslept again and then laid around in bed
- was more motivated after the call from the temp agency
- traveled dowtown ypsi to the bank
- ate white castle lunch/dinner, yum
- read some of "choke", so far not a fan
- played too much memory tile game
-was a good girlfriend and swiffered the living room
- walked with toby to the ugly mug to get a cup of joe
- missed my folks' phone call
Later I will:
- eat fajitas and wish for margaritas
- tease roscoe for not being graceful
- watch flight of the concords via arthur's fancy computer thing
- wish i could watch the office with sound
- fantasize
- complain about noise, heat, anything and everything
- sleep and dream about things i shouldn't
- fall asleep at a reasonable time
- dream acceptable dreams
- wake up in a good mood

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