Monday, June 15, 2009

Grown Up Days

So today Toby and I met up with the Marzonies to drive around the area and look for jobs. There wasn't really a plan so we just drove through the areas with the most to look at and Charity and I wrote down the business names we saw into our notebooks. Hopefully soon we will all be employed. Especially if Chris and Charity find something over this way. I'm looking forward to all the possible east side adventures Ypsi has to show us! Toby heard from one of the temp agencies we went to about a possible position at the public school, but it wouldn't start until the end of July. He's going to go back into the office on Wednesday for further testing, but continue to look for something that would start sooner. I have not heard anything from anyone. Go Me!
Today I:
- let toby hit the snooze button for two hours on our alarm
- checked my daily blogs and websites
- took a facebook quiz about keighty, failed with a 62%, sorry!
- had cheerios with bananas
- met up with chris and charity in ann arbor
- drove/rode around town
- had a wetzel pretzel and some too-sweet lemonade
- went to whole foods to avoid rush hour traffic
- picked out some wine
- drank much tastier strawberry lemonade
Later I will:
- eat a chicken and apple salad with purchased wine
- ooh and a side of jalapeno cheddar fritters, excited
- lazy around with toby
- watch a movie i've already seen a thousand times
- peruse the internet for jobs for the thousandth time
- unload the dishwasher
- update my etsy wish list, i have birthday in two months
- kiss toby goodnight, he's a good boyfriend
- submit my application to two places i would normally shrug off
- sleep peacefully

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